From January 1, 2024, the minimum salary will be set for a junior doctor (at least 960 GEL per month, 5 GEL per hour), a nurse’s assistant (at least 672 GEL per month, 3.5 GEL per hour), a midwife (at least 844 GEL per month, per hour – 4.4 GEL), sanitary (at least 576 GEL per month, 3 GEL per hour)).
As you know, our organization has been working on the minimum wage issue for years, within the framework of which we have implemented several activities. On the one hand, this decision is welcome because the government started thinking and took a step in this direction. On the other hand, in today’s economic conditions, when the GEL is devalued, the proposed minimum wage is low.
We demand that a decent minimum wage be defined in the country.