Representatives of the “Center for Progress” were not allowed to attend the sitting of the Committee on Education and Science today, despite the fact that the organization addressed an official statement to the Parliament of Georgia. They have the full right to attend the sitting according to the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament.
The Education and Science Committee is currently discussing the 2021 Strategy and Action Plan.
Center for Progress and hundreds of students in the Center’s coalition have a number of questions:
1. What is changing regarding access to higher education?
2. What action plan does the state have for identifying suspended students and other students with financial challenges and solving the problem?
3. What is the strategy of the Georgian government when student life in Georgia is much more expensive compared to the world’s leading developed countries?
4. What strategy does the state have regarding the employment of students?
5. What is the strategy of the state regarding the anti-nepotism elements?
6. When is the state going to change the undemocratic aspects of the Law on Higher Education regarding monopolized student self-government (a promise made by the Georgian Dream during the time of Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili).